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About the Greater Mary Association Inc.

Our group started in 2007 in response to the claims that the Traveston Crossing dam would have minimal impact on the downstream of the Mary River. Now, post Traveston, our goals are:

Creating and maintaining a clean and healthy Mary River and Great Sandy Strait.

• Protecting the natural environment of the river and the strait, including their biodiversity.

• Supporting more research on the river and the strait including research on species and water resources.

• Increasing awareness and research related to issues of water use and extraction.

• Enhancing community involvement in some or all of these areas (including recreation in and around the river and strait) and also inspiring the community's feelings of ownership related to the river and the strait.

• Enhancing education related to the above issues.


We meet monthly. Typically we alternate between a sit down meeting and an outdoor activity or working bee. Details and dates of the meeting are available in the Calendar of Upcoming Events.

Our President

Tanzi Smith

M: 0405848375

Our Vice President

Lawrie Wilson

Our Secretary

Glenda Pitman

Our Treasurer

Ross Smith

We have a committed core team of volunteers who help deliver the projects and awareness raising activities we undertake.

We appreciate interest from anyone in the community and welcome new members and supporters at any time of the year.

The Greater Mary Association Inc.

A community driven initiative to create a positive future for

the Mary River and Great Sandy Strait.

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